Dom Gueranger: Monday in Holy Week: Against the Persecution of the Church

The Opening prayer for today in the post-Vatican II Missal is merely a bald, truncated version of the 1962 Collect. Between 1877 and 1962 the Church removed the option for an additional one, which had formerly been chosen from the two given below.

Dom Gueranger: "Then is added one of the following Collects.

Against the Persecution of the Church

Mercifully hear, we beseech thee, O Lord, the prayers of thy Church: that all oppositions and errors being removed, she may serve thee with a secure liberty. Through, &c

For the Pope

O God, the Pastor and Ruler of all the faithful, look down, in thy mercy, on thy servant N.(Benedict), whom thou hast appointed Pator over thy Church; and grant, we beseech thee, that both by word and example, he may edify all those that are under his charge; and with the flock intrusted to him, arrive at length at eternal happiness. Through &c"

What a loss, particularly in our present need. But we can still pray both these Collects privately this morning. 'Secure liberty'! What a phrase. And our Holy Father Benedict, now pleads for it in the face of a crazy world.

May God strengthen and protect him.

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