Whit Monday

Monday 1 June 2009

Whit Monday, or Monday in the Octave of Pentecost
1st Class, Red
Gloria; Seq.; Credo; Preface of the Holy Ghost (hodierna die)
Proper Communicantes; Proper Hanc igitur
kneel at Veni Sancte Spiritus during Alleluia verse


Deus, qui Apóstolis tuis Sanctum dedísti Spíritum : concéde plebi tuæ piæ petitiónis efféctum ; ut, quibus dedísti fidem, largiáris et pacem. Per Dóminum... in unitáte ejúsdem Spíritus Sancti.

Let us pray.

O God, who didst pour out upon thine Apostles the gift of the Holy Spirit : graciously fulfil the devout prayers of thy people ; that upon them to whom thou hast given faith, thou mayest also abundantly bestow the blessing of peace. Through... in the unity of the same Holy Ghost.

(image: 1679 Missale Novum Romanum, Kempten, Germany)

Whitsunday (Pentecost)

Sunday 31 May 2009


1st Class, Red
Gloria; Seq.; Credo; Preface of the Holy Ghost (hodierna die)
Proper Communicantes; Proper Hanc igitur
kneel at Veni Sancte Spiritus during Alleluia verse


Deus, qui hodiérna die corda fidélium Sancti Spíritus illustratióne docuísti : da nobis in eódem Spíritu recta sápere ; et de ejus semper consolatióne gaudére. Per Dóminum... in unitáte ejúsdem Spíritus Sancti Deus.

Let us pray.

O God, who on this day didst teach the hearts of thy faithful people, by the sending to them the light of thine Holy Spirit, grant us by the same Spirit to have a right judgement in all things, and evermore to rejoice in his holy comfort. Through... in the unity of the same Holy Ghost.

(image: breviary.net)

notes: Season after Pentecost

Notes for the Liturgy during Paschaltide after Pentecost

1. The Easter Season ends after None on Ember Saturday and the Time of Pentecost begins with First Vespers of Trinity Sunday. There is no commemoration of the First Sunday after Pentecost on Trinity Sunday. However, during the following week, it is the Sunday, and not the festal, Mass which is used for ferial days.

2. June 11th is the Solemnity of Corpus Christi. If there is a procession of the Blessed Sacrament immediately after Mass, the Blessed Sacrament is exposed in the monstrance on the Altar immediately after Communion. The Benedicamus Domino is said; there is no blessing or Last Gospel. Pange Lingua is sung during the procession.

3. The Votive Mass of the Most Holy Eucharist (2nd Class) may be celebrated during the seven days following the feast. A procession of the Blessed Sacrament must follow the Mass. Two such occasions are allowed.

4. Friday June 19th is the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. A plenary indulgence may be gained by saying the Act of Reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus publicly in front of the Blessed Sacrament today, subject to the usual conditions.

(excerpted/adapted from the 2009 Liturgical Ordo, Priestly Fraternity of St Peter)

Vigil of Pentecost

Saturday 30 May 2009

Vigil of Whitsunday
1st Class, Red
Gloria; no Credo; Preface of the Holy Ghost (hodierna die)
Proper Communicantes; Proper Hanc igitur


Præsta, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut claritátis tuæ super nos splendor effúlgeat: et lux tuæ lucis corda eórum, qui per grátiam tuam renáti sunt, Sancti Spíritus illustratióne confírmet. Per Dóminum...

Let us pray.

Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that the splendour of Thy brightness may shine forth on us, and the light of Thy light may, by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, confirm the hearts of those who have been born again by Thy grace. Through...

(image: St Michael, lesson iii, Nocturn 1; breviary.net)

Sunday after the Ascension

Sunday 24 May 2009

Sunday after the Ascension of Our Lord
2nd Class, White
Gloria; Credo; Preface of the Ascension


Omnípotens sempitérne Deus : fac nos tibi semper et devótam gérere voluntátem ; et majestáti tuæ sincéro corde servíre. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

Almighty everlasting God, grant that our will be ever meekly subject unto thy will, and our heart ever honestly ready to serve thy Majesty. Through.

(image: breviary.net)

Ascension of the Our Lord

Thursday 21 May 2009

The Ascension of the Our Lord
1st Class, White
Gloria; Credo; Preface of the Ascension; Proper Communicantes


Concéde, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus : ut, qui hodiérna die Unigénitum tuum Redemptórem nostrum ad cælos ascendísse crédimus; ipse quoque mente in cæléstibus habitémus. Per eúmdem Dóminum.

Let us pray.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God : that like as we do believe thine only-begotten Son our Saviour to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell. Who liveth and reigneth with thee, in the unity.


NOTE: at the principal Mass the Paschal Candle is extinguished at the end of the Gospel and removed at the end of Mass.


Please note: on Thursday 21st May there will be Latin Vespers at 6.4pm in St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinurgh (Scotland) to celebrate this feast.

All are welcome to join the Schola for this opportunity to pray with the ancient music of the Church.

This is the third of monthly sung Vespers sung on Thursdays around 7pm by the new Edinburgh Schola. Please see edinburghschola.blogspot.com for updates and further information.

(image: Copley's Ascension)

Vigil of the Ascension

Wednesday 20 May 2009

Vigil of the Ascension
2nd Class, White
Gloria; no Credo; Preface of Easter
commem. of St Bernardine of Siena at Low Masses


Deus, a quo bona cuncta procédunt, Largíre supllícibus tuis: ut cogitéums, te inspiránte, quæ recta sunt; et, te gubernánte, éadem faciámus. Per Dóminum...

Let us pray.

O God, from whom all good things do come, grant to us Thy suppliants, that by Thine inspiration we may think what is right, and under Thy guidance perform it. Through...

(image: Priestly Fraternity of St Peter)

notes: Eastertide II

Further notes for the Liturgy during Eastertide

1. The Lesser Litanies may be sung in procession or in Church before Mass on May 18th, 19th, and 20th (the three days preceding Ascension Thursday).

2. When the Lesser Litanies are sung, the Mass of the Rogation follows. At this Mass, a votive of the second class, the Priest wears violet. There is no gloria or Credo and the Preface is that of Easter. Mass begins with the incensation and Introit, omitting the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar. If the Mass or the Rogation is not said, there is no commemoration of it.

3. At the end of the Gospel on Ascension Thursday the paschal candle is extinguished and after Mass it is removed from the sanctuary.

4. On the ferias between the Ascension and Pentecost (May 22nd), the Proper is taken from the feast of the Ascension, omitting the Creed and the proper Communicantes.

5. The Vigil Mass of Pentecost, like that of Easter, is a festal Mass, the solemn opening of the Feast and Octave of Easter. It is properly celebrated after None in the late afternoon or evening and fulfils the Sunday obligation if celebrated at this proper time. The rubrics also permit anticipating the Vigil Mass in the morning (except for conventual Masses). The color of the day for the Office until the Mass exclusive is white; the color for the Mass is red.

6. One kneels during the Veni Sancte Spiritus verse on Pentecost and during the Octave.

7. A plenary indulgence may be gained by publicly saying or singing the Veni Creator on Pentecost Sunday.

(excerpted/adapted from the 2009 Liturgical Ordo, Priestly Fraternity of St Peter)

Fifth Sunday after Easter

Sunday 17 May 2009

Fifth Sunday after Easter,
Rogation Sunday
2nd Class, White
Gloria; Credo; Preface of Easter


Deus, a quo bona cuncta procédunt, largíre supplícibus tuis : ut cogitémus, te inspiránte, quæ recta sunt ; et, te gubernánte, éadem faciámus. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

O God, from whom all good things do come : grant to us thy humble servants ; that by thy holy inspiration, we may think those things that be good, and by thy merciful guidance may perform the same. Through.

(image: breviary.net)

Plenary Indulgence for the Year of Priests

According to a decree made public today and signed by Cardinal James Francis Stafford and Bishop Gianfranco Girotti, O.F.M. Conv., respectively penitentiary major and regent of the Apostolic Penitentiary, Benedict XVI will grant priests and faithful Plenary Indulgence for the occasion of the Year for Priests, which is due to run from 19 June 2009 to 19 June 2010 and has been called in honour of St. Jean Marie Vianney.

The period will begin with the Solemnity of the Sacred Heart of Jesus [June 19th], "a day of priestly sanctification", says the text, when the Pope will celebrate Vespers before the relics of the saint, brought to Rome for the occasion by the bishop of the French diocese of Belley-Ars. The Year will end in St. Peter's Square, in the presence of priests from all over the world "who will renew their faithfulness to Christ and their bonds of fraternity".

The means to obtain the Plenary Indulgence are as follows:

(a) All truly penitent priests who, on any day, devotedly pray Lauds or Vespers before the Blessed Sacrament exposed to public adoration or in the tabernacle, and ... offer themselves with a ready and generous heart for the celebration of the Sacraments, especially the Sacrament of Penance, will be granted Plenary Indulgence, which they can also apply to their deceased confreres, if in accordance with current norms they take Sacramental Confession and the Eucharist and pray in accordance with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff. Priests are furthermore granted Partial Indulgence, also applicable to deceased confreres, every time they devotedly recite the prayers duly approved to lead a saintly life and to carry out the duties entrusted to them.

(b) All truly penitent Christian faithful who, in church or oratory, devotedly attend Holy Mass and offer prayers to Jesus Christ, supreme and eternal Priest, for the priests of the Church, or perform any good work to sanctify and mould them to His Heart, are granted Plenary Indulgence, on the condition that they have expiated their sins through Sacramental Confession and prayed in accordance with the intentions of the Supreme Pontiff. This may be done on the opening and closing days of the Year of Priests, on the 150th anniversary of the death of St. Jean Marie Vianney, on the first Thursday of the month, or on any other day established by the ordinaries of particular places for the good of the faithful.

The elderly, the sick and all those who for any legitimate reason are unable to leave their homes, may still obtain Plenary Indulgence if, with the soul completely removed from attachment to any form of sin and with the intention of observing, as soon as they can, the usual three conditions, "on the days concerned, they pray for the sanctification of priests and offer their sickness and suffering to God through Mary, Queen of the Apostles".

Partial Indulgence is offered to all faithful each time they pray five Our Father, Ave Maria and Gloria Patri, or any other duly approved prayer "in honour of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, to ask that priests maintain purity and sanctity of life".

(image: Béthune's Christ the Priest, from Vultus Christi)

Saints Philip and James

Monday 11 May 2009

Saints Philip and James, Apostles
2nd Class, Red
Gloria; Credo; Preface of the Apostles


Deus, qui nos ánnua Apostolórum tuórum Philíppi et Jacóbi solemnitáte lætíficas : præsta, quæsumus ; ut, quorum gaudémus méritis, instruámur exémplis. Per Dóminum nostrum.

Let us pray.

O God, who dost every year gladden us by the solemn memorial of thine Apostles Philip and James, grant us grace, we beseech thee, not only to rejoice because of their worthy deeds, but also to tread in their footsteps. Through.

(image source unknown)

Fourth Sunday after Easter

Sunday 10 May 2009

Fourth Sunday after Easter

2nd Class, White
Gloria; Credo; Preface of Easter


Deus, qui fidélium mentes uníus éfficis voluntátis : da pópulis tuis id amáre quod præcipis, id desideráre quod promíttis ; ut inter mundánas varietátes ibi nostra fixa sint corda, ubi vera sunt gáudia. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

O Almighty God, who alone canst order the unruly wills and affections of sinful men : grant unto thy people that they may love the thing which thou commandest, and desire that which thou dost promise ; that so, among the sundry and manifold changes of the world, our hearts may surely there be fixed, where true joys are to be found. Through.

(image: breviary.net)

Third Sunday after Easter

Sunday 3 May 2009

Third Sunday after Easter

2nd Class, White
Gloria; Credo; Preface of Easter


Deus, qui errántibus, ut in viam possint redíre justítiæ, veritátis tuæ lumen osténdis : da cunctis qui christiána professióne censéntur, et illa respúere, quæ huic inimíca sunt nómini ; et ea quæ sunt apta, sectári. Per Dóminum nostrum.

Let us pray.

O God, who shewest to them that be in error the light of thy truth, to the intent that they may return to the way of righteousness : grant unto all them that are admitted into the fellowship of Christ's religion, that they may eschew those things that are contrary to their profession ; and follow all such things as are agreeable to the same. Through.

(image: breviary.net)