Vigil of Whitsunday
1st Class, Red
Gloria; no Credo; Preface of the Holy Ghost (hodierna die)
Proper Communicantes; Proper Hanc igitur
Præsta, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus: ut claritátis tuæ super nos splendor effúlgeat: et lux tuæ lucis corda eórum, qui per grátiam tuam renáti sunt, Sancti Spíritus illustratióne confírmet. Per Dóminum...
Let us pray.
Grant, we beseech Thee, O almighty God, that the splendour of Thy brightness may shine forth on us, and the light of Thy light may, by the illumination of the Holy Spirit, confirm the hearts of those who have been born again by Thy grace. Through...
- NLM: Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions (part 7, the Vigil of Pentecost)
- NLM: Compendium of the 1955 Holy Week Revisions (part 8)
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