Sunday 5 July 2009
Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
2nd Class, Green
Gloria; Credo; Preface of the Holy Trinity
Deus, qui diligéntibus te bona invisibília præparásti : infúnde córdibus nostris tui amóris afféctum ; ut te in ómnibus et super ómnia diligéntes, promissiónes tuas, quæ omne desidérium súperant, consequámur. Per Dóminum.
Let us pray.
O God, who hast prepared for them that love thee such good things as pass man's understanding ; pour into our hearts such love toward thee, that we, loving thee in all things and above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire. Through.
(image: SSPX Asia)

Fifth Sunday after Pentecost
2nd Class, Green
Gloria; Credo; Preface of the Holy Trinity
Deus, qui diligéntibus te bona invisibília præparásti : infúnde córdibus nostris tui amóris afféctum ; ut te in ómnibus et super ómnia diligéntes, promissiónes tuas, quæ omne desidérium súperant, consequámur. Per Dóminum.
Let us pray.
O God, who hast prepared for them that love thee such good things as pass man's understanding ; pour into our hearts such love toward thee, that we, loving thee in all things and above all things, may obtain thy promises, which exceed all that we can desire. Through.
(image: SSPX Asia)
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