Our Lord Jesus Christ the King
1st Class, White
Plenary Indulgence; Gloria, Credo, Proper Preface
no commemoration of Sunday

Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui in dilécto Fílio tuo, universórum Rege, ómnia instauráre voluísti : concéde propítius ; ut cunctæ famíliæ Géntium, peccáti vúlnere disgregátæ, ejus suavíssimo subdántur império : Qui tecum.
Let us pray.
Almighty and everlasting God, who hast exalted thy beloved Son to be King over all worlds, and hast willed in him to make all things new : mercifully grant that the kindreds of the earth which are wounded and dispersed by sin : may speedily be knit together under his gracious sovereignty. Who liveth and reigneth with thee.
(image: Hendrick van den Broeck (1519-1597), The Resurrection of Christ, Sistine Chapel.)
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