Sunday after the Ascension
2nd Class, White
Omnípotens sempitérne Deus : fac nos tibi semper et devótam gérere voluntátem ; et majestáti tuæ sincéro corde servíre. Per Dóminum.
Let us pray.
Almighty everlasting God, grant that our will be ever meekly subject unto thy will, and our heart ever honestly ready to serve thy Majesty. Through.
- What Does the Prayer Really Say? (Collect, 2009)
- What Does the Prayer Really Say? (2008)
- Fr Goffine's The Church's Year
- Gregorian Chant propers
- WDTPRS: Sunday after the Ascension (Collect, 2010) (new!)
I've just discovered this blog and its a great idea.
However, my missal shows the collect referred to in the links to Fr Z as that for Ascension itself, not the Sunday after Ascension in the 1962 calendar - the latter starts Omnipotens sempiterne Deus. Am I misreading it?
Hi Terra, I'm glad you like it!
I think the Collect Father is using is for what he calls “Ascension Thursday Sunday”, i.e. when the Ascension has been transferred to the Sunday, as opposed to the Sunday within the 'Octave' of the Ascension.
By the way, if you know anyone who could continue this blog after the summer do let me know! :D
Makes sense - though perhaps you should make your link to it for Thursday rather than the Sunday?
And on potential bloggers, if you like I could highlight your plea on my blog Not that it has a huge readership!)? As I'm an antipodean, I'm presuming you really mean after winter...!
Yes; please do, Terra!
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