This coming Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days under the classical Roman Calendar. At the beginning of the four seasons of the year, the Church celebrated Ember Days to thank God for his blessings during the past year and to implore further graces for the new season. Ember Days were marked by fasting and abstaining from meat as one would do on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday. They are intended to consecrate to God the four seasons in nature, and to prepare by penance those who are about to be ordained. Ordinations were often conferred at this time, so it is traditional to pray for Vocations at this time!
Wednesday 22 September 2010
Ember Wednesday in September
2nd Class, Violet
(Lauds II, Preces; commem. of St Thomas of Villanova)
Misericórdiæ tuæ remédiis, quæsumus, Dómine, fragílitas nostra subsístat : ut, quæ sua conditióne attéritur, tua cleméntia reparétur. Per Dóminum.
Let us pray.
We pray thee, O Lord, that the healing power of thy mercy may give strength to our weakness, that those things which do pass away by their own frailty, may be renewed again by thy clemency. Through.

Ember Wednesday in September
2nd Class, Violet
(Lauds II, Preces; commem. of St Thomas of Villanova)
Misericórdiæ tuæ remédiis, quæsumus, Dómine, fragílitas nostra subsístat : ut, quæ sua conditióne attéritur, tua cleméntia reparétur. Per Dóminum.
Let us pray.
We pray thee, O Lord, that the healing power of thy mercy may give strength to our weakness, that those things which do pass away by their own frailty, may be renewed again by thy clemency. Through.
- Athanasius Contra Mundum: Ember Days
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