Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus Christ
2nd Class, White
Gloria; Credo; Common Preface
Commem. of SS Sixtus II P, Felicissimus & Agapitus at Low Masses

Deus, qui fídei sacraménta in Unigéniti tui gloriósa Transfiguratióne patrum testimónio roborásti, et adoptiónem filiórum perféctam, voce delápsa in nube lúcida, mirabíliter præsignásti : concéde propítius ; ut ipsíus Regis glóriæ nos coherédes effícias, et ejúsdem glóriæ tríbuas esse consórtes. Per eúmdem Dóminum.
Let us pray.
O God, who in the glorious Transfiguration of thine only-begotten Son, didst confirm the mysteries of the Faith by the testimony of the fathers, and in the voice proceeding from the shining cloud didst wondrously foreshew the perfect adoption of all thy sons : mercifully grant, that we, being made fellow-heirs of Christ himself the King of glory, may attain to the partaking of the same his glory in heaven. Through the same.
- Gregorian Chant propers
- Abbot Cuthbert Johnson: Reflections on the Transfiguration
- St Augustine: Sermon 51 (on the Transfiguration)
Please note: on Thursday 6 August there will be Solemn Latin Vespers and Benediction at 6.45pm in St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinurgh (Scotland) to celebrate this feast.
All are welcome to join the Schola for this opportunity to pray with the ancient music of the Church.
This is the fifth of monthly sung Vespers sung on Thursdays around 7pm by the new Edinburgh Schola. Please see for updates and further information.
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