First Sunday of Advent
1st Class, Violet
Excita, quæsumus, Dómine, poténtiam tuam, et veni : ut ab imminéntibus peccatórum nostrórum perículis, te mereámur protegénte éripi, te liberánte salvári : Qui vivis.
Stir up thy power, O Lord, we beseech thee, and come: that by Thy protection we may deserve to be rescued from the threatening dangers of our sins and saved by Thy deliverance.
Who livest and reignest.
This First Sunday of Advent or the Fourth before Christmas, is the first day of the Liturgical year. The Mass prepares us this day for the double coming (advéntus) of mercy and justice. That is what St. Paul tells us, in the Epistle, to cast off sin in order that, being ready for the coming of Christ as our Saviour, we may also be ready for His coming as our Judge, of which we learn in the Gospel. Let us prepare ourselves, by pious aspirations and by the reformation of our life, for this twofold coming. Jesus our Lord will reward those who yearn for Him and await Him: "Those who trust in Him shall not be confounded."
Here is a recording of the Introit for the first Sunday in Advent - Ad te Levavi - from the Tiltenberg Seminary in Holland:
- Guéranger, L'Année Liturgique, "1er Dimanche Avent"
- Goffine, The Church's Year, first Sunday in Advent
- What Does the Prayer Really Say? - Podcast about Advent hymn "Conditor alme siderum" (new!)
- chantblog: Gradual: Universi, qui te expectant (new!)
- St Lawrence Press blog: Advent Sunday (new!)
- Psallite Sapienter: Collect for Advent Sunday (new!)
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