Ember Friday in Advent
2nd Class, Violet
(Lauds II, Preces; Mag. Ant. 'O Adonai')

Excita, quæsumus, Dómine, poténtiam tuam, et veni : ut hi, qui in tua pietáte confídunt, ab omni cítius adversitáte liberéntur : Qui vivis.
Let us pray.
Stir up thy power, O Lord, we beseech thee, and come: that we, who put our trust and confidence in thy mercy, may speedily be delivered from all our adversities.
Who livest and reignest with the Father.
Who livest and reignest with the Father.
"O Adonai"
"O Adonai and Leader of the house of Israel, who appearedst in the Bush of Moses in a flame of fire, and gavest him the law in Sinai: Come and deliver us with an outstretched arm."

"......thou comest not to terrify, but to save us.
"Thy chaste Mother........prepares for thee, O Sun of Justice! the humble swathing-bands, wherewith to cover thy nakedness, and protect thee, the Creator of the world, from the cold of that mid-night hour of thy Nativity! Thus it is that thou willest to deliver us from the slavery of our pride, and show man that thy divine arm is never stronger than when he thinks it powerless and still. Everything is prepared, then, dear Jesus! thy swathing-bands are ready for thy infant limbs! come to Bethlehem, and redeem us from the hands our our enemies."
Here is a recording of the Antiphon, courtesy of the Oxford Dominicans:"Thy chaste Mother........prepares for thee, O Sun of Justice! the humble swathing-bands, wherewith to cover thy nakedness, and protect thee, the Creator of the world, from the cold of that mid-night hour of thy Nativity! Thus it is that thou willest to deliver us from the slavery of our pride, and show man that thy divine arm is never stronger than when he thinks it powerless and still. Everything is prepared, then, dear Jesus! thy swathing-bands are ready for thy infant limbs! come to Bethlehem, and redeem us from the hands our our enemies."
- Goffine, The Church's Year, Ember Friday in Advent
- What Does the Prayer Really Say?
- Vultus Christi: Ember Friday in Advent (new!)
I just found your beautiful blog today! With your indulgence, I have linked this post to a post on the Propers of Ember Friday. I hope this is not being too forward!
Laus Tibi Christi!
That's not a problem at all, 'Deo volente'!
I'm glad you enjoy this blog, and I think you'll find a lot of useful material that Jane and I found in the Archives stretching back to November 2008.
God bless you!
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