Third Sunday of Advent
(commonly called "Gaudete Sunday")
1st Class, Violet

Aurem tuam, quæsumus, Dómine, précibus nostris accómmoda: et mentis nostræ ténebras grátia tuæ visitatiónis illústra : Qui vivis.
Let us pray.
Incline thine ear, we beseech thee, O Lord, to our prayers: and make bright the darkness of our minds by the grace of thy visitation.
Who livest and reignest.
This collect is now used for the Monday in the 3rd Week of Advent in the Missal of Pope Paul VI, however, like so many it is also in the Gelasian Sacramentary and the Gregorian.
- Goffine, The Church's Year, third Sunday in Advent
- Guéranger, L'Année Liturgique, "3ème Dimanche Avent"
- Gregorian Chant Propers
- NLM: Newman: Holiness in this Earth and the Next (new!)
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