Passion Sunday

Sunday 29 March 2009

Passion Sunday (First Sunday in Passiontide)
1st Class, Violet
No Gloria; Credo; Pref. of the Holy Cross
No Judica; No Gloria Patri at the Introit & Lavabo


Quæsumus, omnípotens Deus, famíliam tuam propítius réspice : ut, te largiénte, regátur in córpore ; et, te servánte, custodiátur in mente. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

We beseech thee, Almighty God, mercifully to look upon thy people : that by thy great goodness they may be governed and preserved evermore, both in body and soul. Through.


notes: Passiontide

Notes for the Liturgy during Passiontide

1. The last two weeks of Lent form the season called Passiontide. During this time all crucifixes and sacred images are veiled in violet. In Masses of the seasons, the Psalm Judica me is not said at the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, and there is no Gloria Patri at the Asperges, Introit or Lavabo.

2. On Friday in Passion Week, two Masses of the Seven Sorrows may be said (Gloria, Sequence, commemoration of the feria) where devotions to Our Lady of Sorrows are held. The Psalm Judica me is said, and Gloria Patri at the Introit and Lavabo.

3. On Psalm Sunday red vestments are worn during the blessing and procession, violet vestments at Mass. There is no Asperges. Palms are blessed before Mass. The Mass begins with the Introit or incensation if following the procession, omitting the Prayers at the Foot of the Altar, and the Last Gospel is not said. At other Masses, the Last Gospel is proper.

4. All the days of Holy Week are privileged ferias of the first class, which cannot be superseded by any feast; nor are commemorations permitted. At all Masses from Palm Sunday through to the Easter Vigil inclusive, the entire verse "Orate fratres...Patrem omnipotentem" and its response ("Suscipiat...") are said in a clear voice, after singing has stopped.

5. The Holy Thursday Mass is to be celebrated in the evening between the hours of 4.00 and 9.00pm. The tabernacle must be empty. Enough Hosts must be consecrated today for both Holy Thursday and Good Friday. The bells are rung and the organ played during the singing of the Gloria and are thereafter silent. The washing of the feet, or Mandatum, may take place after the Gospel. The Communicantes, Hanc Igitur and Qui Pridie are proper; the Preface of the Holy Eucharist may be used. The appendices of some Missals also contain a proper Preface for Holy Thursday. Agnus Dei...miserere nobis is said three times. Before Communion, the prayer Domine qui dixisti is omitted. Benedicamus Domino replaces Ite Missa est. There is no final blessing and no Last Gospel; instead there is a Procession to the Altar of Repose, during which Pange Lingua is sung. Thereafter the Altars are stripped, during which Psalm 21 is chanted; the Altars are stripped of everything except Cross and candlesticks. (These are removed before the morning Offices of Good Friday.) Vespers is omitted for those who assist at evening Mass; Compline is proper with Psalms being those of Sunday. The Blessed Sacrament must be venerated at the Altar of Repose until midnight.

6. On Good Friday the liturgy of the Commemoration of the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ takes place. This liturgical action takes place about 3.00pm, and in any event before 6.00pm. The Altar is completely bare, without Crucifix, candles, or Altar cloths. After adoration of the Holy Cross, and until the beginning of the Easter Vigil, all genuflect before the Cross on the main Altar, but only during liturgical services. Otherwise, all bow to the Altar. Again, Vespers are omitted for those who assist at the evening service. Compline takes the Psalms of Sunday. Good Friday is a day of fasting and abstinence.

7. Vigil of Easter: during the ceremonies before the Easter Vigil Mass, violet vestments are worn; white vestments are worn for the Procession and Exultet, renewal of baptismal promises, and the Mass itself. The Mass itself begins with the Kyrie; Bells are run and the organ sounded during the Gloria. A threefold Alleluia is sung after the Epistle. No lights are used at the Gospel, there is no Creed, and no Offertory verse. The Preface of Easter (in hac potissimum nocte), proper Communicantes and Hanc Igitur are used, but there is no Agnus Dei and no kiss of peace. Domine qui dixisti is again omitted. After Communion, a shortened form of Lauds is sung, and thereafter Ite Missa est, Alleluia Alleluia. There is no Last Gospel. Compline, Matins and Lauds of Easter Day are omitted for those who assist at the Paschal Vigil.

(excerpted/adapted from the 2009 Liturgical Ordo, Priestly Fraternity of St Peter)

Another way to support Pope Benedict

Please follow the Human Life International link at top of sidebar on my Oasis blog, and sign this petition. We must take every possible opportunity to show solidarity with our Holy Father. May God, who has so richly blessed us in giving him to us, continue to shower him with abundant gifts of courage, fortitude, mercy, faith, hope and love.

Heartfelt thanks to Human Life International and their President Rev. Thomas J. Euteneuer. And a big hat-tip to Clare A for putting me on to this.

God bless and protect our Pope. And God bless all here.

Have a glorious Solemnity of the Annunciation tomorrow.

In Christo pro Papa

Annunciation of the B.V.M.

Wednesday 25 March 2009

The Annunciation of the Bl. Virgin Mary
1st Class, White
Gloria; Tract; Credo; Pref. Pr of the BVM
Commem. of Feria at all Masses


Deus, qui de beátæ Maríæ Vírginis útero Verbum tuum, Angelo nuntiánte, carnem suscípere voluísti : præsta supplícibus tuis ; ut, qui vere eam Genitrícem Dei crédimus, ejus apud te intercessiónibus adjuvémur. Per eúmdem Dóminum.

Let us pray.

O God, who didst will that at the message of an Angel thy Word should take flesh in the womb of the Blessed Virgin Mary : grant that we, thy suppliants, who believe her to be truly the Mother of God, may be helped by her intercession with thee. Through the same.


Dom Gueranger: brief extracts from Vespers for the Fourth Sunday of Lent.

Brethren: it is written that Abraham had two sons: the one by a bond-woman, and the other by a free-woman. But he who was of the bond-woman was born according to the flesh: but he of the free-woman, was by promise: which things are said by an allegory.

Magnificat Antiphon:
Jesus therefore went up into a mountain, and there he sat with his disciples.

Let us pray.
Grant we beseech thee, O almighty God, that we, who are justly afflicted according to our demerits, may be relieved by thy comforting grace.
through, &c.

Fourth Sunday of Lent

Sunday 22 March 2009

Fourth Sunday in Lent (Laetare Sunday)
1st Class, Violet/Rose
No Gloria; Credo; Preface of Lent


Concéde, quæsumus, omnípotens Deus : ut, qui ex mérito nostræ actiónis afflígimur, tuæ grátiæ consolatióne respirémus. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God : that we, who for our evil deeds do worthily deserve to be punished, by the comfort of thy grace may mercifully be relieved. Through.

(image: Vultus Christi)

Dom Gueranger: Extract from his prayer to St. Joseph

"O sublime minister of the greatest of blessings, intercede for us with God made Man. Ask him to bestow Humility upon us, - that holy virtue which raised thee to such exalted dignity, and which must be the basis of our conversion.......Get us this virtue, without which there can be no true penance. Pray for us, O Joseph, that we may be chaste. Without purity of mind and body, we cannot come nigh the God of all sanctity, who suffers nothing defiled to approach him. He wills to make our bodies, by his grace, the temples of his holy Spirit: do thou, great Saint, help us to maintain ourselves in so exalted a dignity, or to recover it, if we have lost it.

"....O Faithful Spouse of Mary! recommend us to our Mother. If she cast a look of pity upon us during these days of reconciliation, we shall be saved: for she is the Queen of Marcy, and Jesus her Son, will pardon us and change our hearts, if she intercede for us, O Joseph! Remind her of Bethlehem, Egypt, and Nazareth, in all of which she received from thee such marks of thy devotedness. Tell her, that we, also, love and honour thee; and Mary will reward us for our devotion to him that was given her by heaven as her protector and support."

St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Thursday 19 March 2009


St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Patron of the Universal Church

1st Class, White
Gloria; Tract; Credo; Pref. of St Joseph
Commem. of Feria at all Masses


Sanctíssimæ Genitrícis tuæ Sponsi, quæsumus, Dómine, méritis adjuvémur : ut, quod possibílitas nostra non óbtinet, ejus nobis intercessióne donétur : Qui vivis et regnas.

Let us pray.

Grant, O Lord, we beseech thee, that we may be assisted by the merits of the spouse of thy most holy Mother : and vouchsafe to give us at his intercession ; those things which by our own power we cannot obtain. Who livest and reignest with the Father.


Please note:

On Thursday 19th March there will be Latin Vespers at 6.4pm in St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinurgh (Scotland) to celebrate the Solemnity of Saint Joseph.

All are welcome to join the Schola for this opportunity to pray with the ancient music of the Church.

This will be the first of monthly sung Vespers sung on Thursdays around 7pm by the new Edinburgh Schola. Please see for updates and further information.

(image: St Joseph in Millegem Kerk, Ranst, Belgium)

Third Sunday of Lent

Sunday 15 March 2009

Third Sunday in Lent
1st Class, Violet
No Gloria; Credo; Preface of Lent


Quæsumus, omnípotens Deus, vota humílium réspice : atque ad defensiónem nostram, déxteram tuæ majestátis exténde. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

We beseech thee, Almighty God, look upon the hearty desires of thy humble servants : and stretch forth the right hand of thy majesty, to be our defence against all our enemies. Through.


Second Sunday of Lent

Sunday 8 March 2009

Second Sunday in Lent
1st Class, Violet
No Gloria; Credo; Preface of Lent


Deus, qui cónspicis omni nos virtúte destítui : intérius exteriúsque custódi ; ut ab ómnibus adversitátibus muniámur in córpore, et a pravis cogitatiónibus mundémur in mente. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

Almighty God, who seest that we have no power of ourselves to help ourselves : keep us both outwardly in our bodies, and inwardly in our souls ; that we may be defended from all adversities which may happen to the body, and from all evil thoughts which may assault and hurt the soul. Through.


From the day Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Master 'began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things...and be killed, and on the third day be raised.'(Mt 16:21.) Peter scorns this prediction, nor do the others understand it any better than he. (Mt 16:22-23.) In this context the mysterious episode of Jesus' Transfiguration takes place on a high mountain, (Mt 17:1-8.) before three witnesses chosen by himself: Peter, James and John. Jesus' face and clothes become dazzling with light, and Moses and Elijah appear, speaking 'of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem.' (Lk 9:31.)" (CCC 554) For a moment Jesus discloses his divine glory, confirming Peter's confession. He also reveals that he will have to go by the way of the cross at Jerusalem in order to 'enter into his glory.' (Lk 24:26.) (CCC 555)


Dom Gueranger on Saturday in Ember Week

"The Station is in the Basilica of Saint Peter....where the people were wont to assemble, towards evening, that they might be present at the Ordination of the Priests and Sacred Ministers. This day was called 'Twelve-Lesson-Saturday' because formerly, twelve passages from the Holy Scriptures used to be read, as upon Holy Saturday."

This Ordination Mass was celebrated during the night; so that Sunday had begun by the time it was over. Later it was celebrated early on Saturday, "as we now have it; but, in memory of the ancient practice, the Gospel for Saturday is repeated on Sunday."

This Gospel is Matthew's account of the Transfiguration. By 1962 the 12 lessons had been reduced to four but the Gospel remained the same and was still repeated on the Second Sunday of Lent. The OF has suppressed the extra lessons for this day altogether and a different Gospel is in place. However, the Transfiguration accounts are present in both year A (Matthew) and B (Mark). Therefore, whichever form of the Mass you attend tomorrow, today's comments by Dom Guéranger explain why the Church chose the Matthew text in the first place.

"The Church would have us think upon the sublime dignity which has been conferred upon the newly ordained Priests. They are represented by the three Apostles, who were taken by Jesus to the high mountain, and favoured with the sight of his glory."

The newly ordained "..will in like manner.....enter into the cloud with the Lord. They will offer up the Sacrifice of your salvation in the silence of the sacred Canon. God will descend into their hands, for your sakes; and though they are mortals and sinners, yet will they, each day, be in closest communication with the Divinity."

"The forgiveness of your to come to you through their hands; their superhuman power will bring it down from heaven upon your souls. It is thus that God has cured our pride......... His own Eternal Son became Man, and he left other men after him to whom he said: 'As the Father has sent Me, I also send you.' Let us, then, show honour to these men, who have this very day, been raised to so high a dignity. One of the duties imposed on us by our holy Religion, is respect to the Priesthood."

Ember Saturday in Lent

Saturday 7 March 2009

Ember Saturday in Lent
2nd Class, Violet
No Gloria; No Credo; Pref. of Lent; Prayer over the people
Commem. of S Thomas Aquinas C D at Low Masses


Pópulum tuum, quæsumus, Dómine, propítius réspice : atque ab eo flagélla tuæ iracúndiæ cleménter avérte. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

We beseech thee, O Lord, graciously to hear the prayers of thy people : and of thy great goodness turn aside from them the scourges of thine anger. Through.


Ember Friday in Lent

Friday 6 March 2009

Ember Friday in Lent
2nd Class, Violet; Plenary Indulgence
No Gloria; No Credo; Pref. of Lent; Prayer over the people
Commem. of SS Perpetua & Felicitas MM at Low Masses


Esto, Dómine, propítius plebi tuæ : et, quam tibi facis esse devótam, benígno réfove miserátus auxílio. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

We beseech thee, O Lord, mercifully to have compassion on thy people : that they, which by thee are enabled to serve thee in all godliness, may ever be comforted by thy gracious and ready help. Through.


Ember Wednesday in Lent

This coming Wednesday, Friday and Saturday are Ember Days under the classical Roman Calendar. At the beginning of the four seasons of the year, the Church celebrated Ember Days to thank God for his blessings during the past year and to implore further graces for the new season.Ember Days were marked by fasting and abstaining from meat as one would do on Ash Wednesday or Good Friday. They are intended to consecrate to God the four seasons in nature, and to prepare by penance those who are about to be ordained. Ordinations were often conferred at this time, so it is traditional to pray for Vocations at this time!


Wednesday 4 March 2009

Ember Wednesday in Lent
2nd Class, Violet
No Gloria; No Credo; Pref. of Lent; Prayer over the People
Commem. of St Casimir, Confessor, at Low Masses


Preces nostras, quæsumus, Dómine, cleménter exáudi : et contra cuncta nobis adversántia déxteram tuæ majestátis exténde. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

We beseech thee, O Lord, that thou wouldest graciously hear our prayers : and stretch forth the right hand of thy majesty to be our defence against all adversities.


Dom Gueranger: from the Mass of the First Sunday of Lent

After the first Collect "The two following Collects are then added.

Second Collect

Preserve us, O Lord, we beseech thee, from all dangers of soul and body: and by the intercession of the glorious and Blessed Mary, the ever Virgin-Mother of God, of thy blessed Apostles Peter and Paul, of blessed N. (here is mentioned the Titular Saint of the Church.), and of all the Saints, grant us, in thy mercy, health and peace; that all adversities and errors being removed, thy Church may serve thee with undisturbed liberty.

Third Collect

O Almighty and eternal God, who hast dominion over the living and the dead, and art merciful to all whom thou knowest will be thine by faith and good works: we humbly beseech thee, that they, for whom we have proposed to offer our prayers, whether this world still retains them in the flesh, or the next world hath already received them divested of their bodies, may, by the clemency of thine own goodness, and the intercession of thy Saints, obtain pardon and full remission of their sins. Through &c."