Ember Saturday in September

Saturday 26 September 2009

Ember Saturday in September
2nd Class, Violet
no Gloria; no Credo; Common Preface
commem. of Sts Cyprian and Justina at Low Masses


Omnípotens sempitérne Deus, qui per continéntiam salutárem corpóribus medéris et méntibus : majestátem tuam súpplices exorámus ; ut pia jejunántium deprecatióne placátus, et præséntia nobis subsídia tríbuas et futúra. Per Dóminum.

Let us pray.

O Almighty and everlasting God, who hast chosen healthy fasting, as a mean to do good both to bodies and to souls, we humbly implore thy Majesty, that the godly prayer of such as be fasting this day may turn away thy wrath, and may be effectual to gain for us thy blessing in time and in eternity. Through.


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