Pope St Pius X
3rd Class, White
Gloria; no Credo; Common Preface

Deus, qui ad tuéndam cathólicam fidem, et univérsa in Christo instauránda sanctum Pium, Summum Pontíficem, cælésti sapiéntia et apostólica fortitúdine replevísti : concéde propítius ; ut, ejus institúta et exémpla sectántes, præmia consequámur ætérna. Per eúmdem Dóminum.
Let us pray.
O God, who, for the defence of the Catholic faith and the restoration of all things in Christ, didst fill Saint Pius, Supreme Pontiff, with heavenly wisdom and apostolic fearlessness, mercifully grant that, by following his teachings and examples, we may receive thine eternal recompence. Through the same.
Please note: on Thursday 3rd September there will be Solemn Latin Vespers and Benediction at 6.4pm in St Mary's RC Cathedral, Edinurgh (Scotland) to celebrate this feast.
All are welcome to join the Schola for this opportunity to pray with the ancient music of the Church.
This is the sixth of monthly sung Vespers sung on Thursdays around 7pm by the new Edinburgh Schola. Please see edinburghschola.blogspot.com for updates and further information.
(image: Karl Benzinger, 1907)
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