The Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M.

Tuesday 15 September 2009

The Seven Sorrows of the B.V.M.
2nd Class, White
Gloria; Sequence; Credo; Preface of the B.V.M.
Commem. of St Nicomedes at Low Masses


Deus, in cujus passióne, secúndum Simeónis prophetíam, dulcíssimam ánimam gloriósae Vírginis et Matris Maríæ dolóris gládius pertransívit : concéde propítius ; ut, qui dolóres ejus venerándo recólimus, passiónis tuæ efféctum felícem consequámur : Qui vivis et regnas.

Let us pray.

O God, in whose passion the sword of grief did pierce the gentle soul of the glorious Virgin Mary, thy Mother, that so might be fulfilled the word of thy Prophet Simeon : mercifully grant that we who here do call to mind her sorrows ; may be fulfilled with the blessed fruits of thy passion. Who livest and reignest with the Father.


1 comment:

Gabriella said...

Beautiful prayer!
Thank you.